Published in the Spotlight on the Arts & Cultural Council of Hilton Head website
Artist Mira Scott stands before her easel, studying the painting she’s just completed, a delightful Lowcountry landscape of rice fields by moonlight. Satisfied, she brings in a professional photographer to capture an image of the painting. Next step is the endless color corrections before the artwork can be reproduced as a gliclee, fine art copies that she has printed on fine art watercolor paper.
Once the proofs are perfect and the image printed, she grabs her brushes and adds splashes of color and texture to a few spots.
Scott adds these hand-painted touches to her custom prints for all her work now. These personal marks are just as important as her signature at the bottom of the print. It defines her work. It has become a “giclee et plus”,something between the print and the original, and thereby making each of her prints an “original’ in its own right. That is when a Print is not JUST a Print.
Meet Mira and see her at work at Picture This Gallery’s new location at 26 Palmetto Bay Road. Or check out Mira’s paintings, coloring book and more on the web at
Mira Scott is a founding member of the Arts & Cultural Council of Hilton Head and active in all things art here on Hilton Head Island.